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417 S Adams St
Green Bay , WI 54301
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Estate Planning

The Estate Planning Attorney Green Bay, WI Trusts

- Since 1908
- Same-Day and Walk-In Appointments Available
- Free Consultations

(920) 437-8191
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Estate Plans That Work

A person's life can change quicker than the blink of an eye. No matter your age, health condition, or financial circumstances, every person will benefit from an estate plan for the distribution of one's assets at death. 

In Wisconsin, if a person does not have an estate plan, that person is unable to control the distribution of his or her own assets upon their death. Instead, Wisconsin statutory law would dictate the distribution of the assets. 

In addition, should you be unable to care for your daily needs as the result of incapacity or another reason, you can make advance plans for those concerns as well.

Asset Protection

Asset protection is a major component of estate planning. This is because estate planning can do more than simply determine where your assets go. Asset planning can actually save you money as well. There are certain potential tax benefits to using trusts to protect your assets. On the flip side, you may not be able to access these assets anymore if you choose to put them in a non-taxable trust. Thankfully, we are here to help guide you through the process.

For legal assistance in all such matters related to estate planning, reach out to the attorneys at Wanezek, Jaekels, Daul & Babcock. You will be put into contact with an estate planning attorney Green Bay, WI residents choose for their estate planning needs.

Estate, planning

Get Assistance From Estate Planning Experts

Call us now for a free consultation!

We can provide emergency consultations at your residence and if you're admitted to the hospital!

(920) 301-6688

(920) 301-6688

Learn More About

Wanezek, Jaekels, Daul & Babcock S.C.

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